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The Blow Him to Pieces Mixtape

There it is: The Blow Him to Pieces Mixtape. Written and produced entirely by Trash & Kurb. Our latest and favorite batch of noise-making ever. A bit of a love-letter and homage to a lot of the retro pop-culture ingredients that mutated us into the degenerate hacks that we are currently. Scratching and clawing longingly towards a not-quite-visible future horizon with moonscape buildings and spaceman outfits.  


One part kitsch, one part dope... One part comedic, one part heart-felt...
Started during the height of the covid insanity of 2020, The Blow Him to Pieces Mixtape begain as a way for us to collab over the internet to keep from going insane. And frankly we started just not giving a shit. It made all the difference. The songs were fun while still going hard. They were humorous while making valid points. And the abandonment of long held beliefs about what was dope and what was "RrEeEaALLL" resulted in something that was strikingly original—and most importantly—not boring. At least to us. And eventually, there were enough tracks for an album.

It spans the spectrum from oldschool hip-hop to alternative rap. From alt-rock... fusion(?)... to industrial. Some songs use samples and scratches like its 1989, while some use none whatsoever. And when you put them all together, they play like some kind of glorious mixtape that you cant quite be sure is being serious or not. And we'll never tell.

More music coming imminently...
Check back soon! 

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